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CV in English (2021): pdf
Short bio
I am a Senior Astronomer at University of Montpellier, France. I was awarded a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Paris VII in 1991. Aided by super-computer simulations, my research is focused on galactic dynamics and secular evolution of galaxies. I am particularly interested in High Performance Computing and the Virtual Observatory. I was co-investigator on the instrument PACS on board Herschel Space Observatory. Alongside my academic research, I have held various executive (head of the Strasbourg Observatory) or elective positions (president of the French Astronomy and Astrophysics Society) and have sat on or led various committees at French and European level on the evaluation of scientific policies, staff recruitment and funding programmes. I am also a regular science communicator and public speaker.
I am currently a scientific advisor at the High council for evaluation of research and higher education (Hcéres), Research Evaluation Department, in charge of the Earth and Universe Science domain. I am also Associate Editor of Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science.
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